Saturday, December 28, 2013
footprints in the sand
Walking hand in hand
My white dress and your black suit
Laughter in the salty air
Leaving footprints in the sand.
Between white satin sheets
Waking next to you
Fiery passion of the morning
The warmth of our embrace
Leaving footprints in the sand.
Then a stork passed by and
All was joy but
Till one day,
A fight broke.
It wasn't just about two any more.
Mad hatter: Mad about hats!
My current obsession would be bowler hats!
The indecisiveness of a Libra, I couldn't bring myself to choose between the plain ones or the ones with a moulded cat ear. Like a fad, the cat ears might come and go. And not to forget, the colours. My top picks would be black and burgundy. Or maybe camel or ivory. Not to forget, i can't decide to actually get it or not.
Cash or product.
Choose one style.
Pick one colour.
I am not rich. I can't have multiples of the same item.
And I have no idea why am I composing this when I should be reading. And my English is bad. And I do feel bad.
(Self bashing on the internet. Bravo Denise, Bravo)
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Hobnobbly Hiddles
Now, the reason I'm writing this is due to this little argument I have, with myself, in my head: is Tom Hiddleston really the bad guy people say he is? and I shall call him Hiddles from nows on.
Hiddles play Loki in 3 Marvel movies. Loki's the God of Mischief. He's the antagonist, although not main. Bad guy. I get it, Loki's the bad guy. But, is Hiddles the bad guy too?
Hiddles plays Loki, folks like Loki, Loki's got Hiddles' face because Hiddles plays Loki! After all that equation people get Hiddles a bad boy that women loves? I mean, I'm terrible at math but after all that equating, they come to that conclusion? That's terrible mathematics folks.
I personally, don't like Hiddles because he's the "bad boy that women loves". I like him because he's a nice guy. I think he's a really nice person. I've seen him in a few interviews (and in fandom, that means the whole internet) and he's lovely! He's the perfect blend of charm, kindness, wit and fun (and probably a few more characteristics and adjectives to throw in there but I'll just stop at four.)
First off, Hiddles is trained classically. He knows his Shakespeare and he is passionate about these 'boring old stuffs' too! No bad boy like these kinda stuff, they think they're too tough! I might be slightly biased cause I'm a lit major but he knows what he's talking about. He even made references to the theories! It's like revision when I'm looking at him. (I'm Asian. It's all about CGPAs on this side of the world.)
Next, he is quick and funny. Witty. Smart. And have fancy words up his sleeves too. Effortless for him to describe, which makes him funny, and smart, and the circle goes on.
Then, his laugh.
And, he is kind, and gentlemanly. He knows his etiquette.
Last but not, he loves tea! I love tea too! (Can I get a high5?) And from here he goes on talking about HobNob with a string on delicate yet beautiful descriptive words.
In conclusion, he's a nice guy.
This is probably a more absurd equation to prove Hiddles' a nice guy.
And this is silly, you know I wrote this post for the sake of writing about Hiddles.
You know, after all that, I forgot my original intention of writing this. I wanted to say that Hiddles made Loki his and him and to some extent, Hiddles is bad too, Loki's Hiddles' alter ego.
Confusing? I've confused myself too. Refer to last sentence above "Edit". There you go. Byes.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
What are Dreams made of?
if dreams are
secret desires, hidden
and ignored
by the conscience
due to society's
then, I
want you.
Monday, October 21, 2013
I remember: Mornings
Where 5 slept in one room.
5.45 the alarm sound
Its shrill and urgent call.
I continue to log,
In annoyance, in pretense,
In desperste attempts,
To not depart Dreamland.
The rustle of linen and
A gentle voice,
A gentle nudge,
"Jasper, Denise, Kerry,
It's time for school.
Wakey, wakey."
Would be his usual call.
On special occasions,
Verbally, he would
Plan out our future,
What he envisioned of us.
"You will leave high school,
Graduate from university,
Wear that square hat,
And that business suit,
And the veil..."
That was mine.
I remember the days
Where pots and pans clank,
Before day break.
Earlier than the birds,
Or the Sun,
Breakfast was on its way.
The last clank of the pots and
A gentle call,
A gentle reminder,
"Jasper, Denise, Kerry,
Eat your breakfast.
If not you'll be hungry.
Would be her usual nag.
On special occasions,
Diligently, she would
Lay our morning meal,
Our ultimate nemesis, Eggs.
"You will eat them and
It will be good
For your brain,
Your memory..."
While we struggle to swallow.
Prose of Gay
Once I tried to write a prose of gay,
Not of bliss,
But of love,
But after the first page it was nay.
Cause they made eyes mist,
Not of joy,
But of loathe,
When the boys kiss.
"Love is beautiful"
People said.
Feeling mirthful,
When they mate.
Yet when mates of
Same sex comes together,
They become bitter and
It is a put off, taboo.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Watching as people passes.
Locked in this room,
My solitude, none understood.
Housing my fears,
An aiding hand never given.
Exterior appearances should not be trusted,
As the smile I wore is not true.
Running away does not solve,
The ultimate enemy is me.
This is a poem I wrote years ago, probably form 5 or in the form 6s. I wrote this as an analysis while I was tackling my issues. Sound tad crude, but I don't wanna change it. Let it be. This was me.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
what I did
That's what I did.
Some pretty awesome stuffs...
They went too...
Guess I was pretty brave...
Or just really stupid.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Back to Your Roots
Monday, August 19, 2013
"You reap what you sow..."
It's about time I change...
Elle me dit_Mika
Friday, May 17, 2013
A Reaction
As I replay past conversations in my head, this particular exchange struck me and I ponder what caused this reaction and why. Now, hear me out:
A coursemate was struggling in our course and was comtemplating on a switch. While it might or might not be a successful transfer, she draws out a Plan B: to drop out and learn a skill; preferably in the field of nail art and daint beauty.
Now, what caught my attention in my memories was that I was shocked at such a bold statement and there were a conscious effort to control my expression and picking carefully words of my reply. Why was there an effort to control my expression and words? Why am I shocked? Why did it caused such aa reaction?
You see, I come from a family whose parents, I believe, to be a tad traditional. Hereby I mean children are put under high expectations, study hard, graduate and a job with a good pay which will give you a reputation and aquaintances of similar status. Sort of like in the Elizabethan Era and Victorian or any other society. Except class movement are a little less rigid. Upward moves are allowed, providing that the individual is willing to sacrifice time, youth, joy and sunshine to get to the top. On top of that, I'm chinese. So it will be like 'little Denise, you have to study hard and honour our family name'. Well, not literally, my parents don't say that, but, you get my idea...
Dropping out from school and suppressing surprise. Why? I am well aware of people, although most are of above average intelligence, dropping out of school and be successful. Well, success is an objective and vague term. Some may argue the defination of success. So let me rephrase, folks dropping out of school and making fortune. There! It's money again. The people of this age is so materialistic that at the end of the day, money is the main issue again.
I guess that's what cause that reaction. A skill, especially in nail art, it seems payed on the surface. Without the multiples of clients a day and whatnots. What was installed in my head since young was that only good education will bring you furthur. Sure, good education adds boosts to our leaps, but skills, it solidifies our steps. We might not go about bounding and leaping with skills, but it's like a solid ground beneath every step. Isn't it?
If you ponder on it, books and skills, books are just words and theories--far from real life; and skills are, well, skills! Readily applicable in the occupational world! Isn't it?
Well, my hypothesis (if I may put it this way) and deductions might not be most agreeable, but it is open for debate. I'm a person of books and word-for I major in literature, a subject of fantasy and disregarded by many, (I've seen their scrunched expression upon recieving the knowledge, so, I know) so yeah! Leave some words!